Sessions in Portugal

Earth, Body and Sexuality

Welcome as individual, couple, man or woman, or identifying differently.

Welcome for one or more sessions, live in Reliquais or online via Zoom.

We can speak English or Dutch.



A first session is an intake, where we take time to make a big holistic picture of what you are looking into.  This can be done online or live.  This can also be done together with your first embodied session. 


All sessions are personally tailored  and based on the gathered information during the intake and in the sessions themselves.

The work is holistic and body-oriented. 

There is awareness and attention for your emotions, body and mind and we hold the picture of your inherent connection with the family and culture you grew up in, your inborn relationship with land, nature and spirit.


Contact me for your questions or to book a session through

In sessions we can work with …


Soma is Greek and means ’the living body’, the body-soul’.  Using the word soma refers to our wholeness inside and outside and sees the fysical body as a part of a bigger picture, related to that wich is within and without.

The exercises are based on simple techniques used in many body oriented approaches and reestablishes the connection with the body in the present moment, using tools as breathing, sounding, movement and/or touch. All direct routes to your nerves system and important sources for self and co-regulation.



A body centered practice created by Betty Martin that brings self-reflection into your fysical longings and boundaries.  Into how you can be aware of them and how to communicate them in a clear way. The practice exists of small exercices that we integrate directly or indirectly in the sessions and if useful that you can easily practice at home with a/your partner.

The WOC practices creates awarenes about what you want and don’t want in fysical/sexual connections, it gives you insights and tools about how you are communicating in these very human topics and offers ways of exploring into more relaxation and pleasure, including erotic pleasure.



A trauma-informed bodycentered therapeutical modality specialised in intimacy and sexuality, a combination of psychotherapy, coaching, somatic exercises, neuroscience and nervous system regulation.



A trauma-informed somatic approach where the exploration of the sexual body in a holistis way is invited.  We use conversation, reflection, somatic sex education, somatic exercises, manual techniques as holding bones, massage and external and internal mapping and coaching in mindful solo sexuality. 


STREAM  (Scar Tissue Remediation and Management) 

Tuning in both to story and body, holding space to discover, to soften and resolve blokkage from (fysical and emotional) scars and pain, to invite embodied autonomy.  Through education, mapping strategies and  remediation work.

Possible reasons for sessions


-you have informative or education questions about intimacy or sexuality.

-you long to be more in touch with your body, including your pelvis and your sexual body.

-you long to be present in your sexual body and listen carefully what it is telling you.

-you experience shame about your body, your sex, sexual fantasies.

-you would love to learn to communicatie clearly about longings and boundaries in your intimate and sexual relationships.

-You have questions about orgasm, erection, ejaculation.

-You experience pain during sexual interactions and want to find out how to be sexual without pain.

-You want to learn in mindful solo sexuality.

-You long for more creativitiy in your sexual live.

-You want to be in touch with your womb, restore and cultivate this powerful relationship.

-As a couple you experience differences in sexual longing and want to explore how to work and play with this so a fulfilling sexual life can start to blossem.

-you wish, after having become a mother, to reconnect with and discover and love your new body.

-you are living with scares after surgery and you wish to take good care and bring in flow and healing in your heart and your tissues.

-you would love, after a genital reconstruction, to get to know your pelvis and new sex.



*Live in Reliquais, South West of Portugal.

We work inside and can be outside on the land if the weather and the session allows is.

You’ll receive the exact adress when booking the session.

*Embodied online sessions via Zoom


gliding scale, trusting your capacity and your choice

1 hour : from 75 euro

2 hour : from 120 euro


Trusting you use this day when your capacity doesn’t allow you the gliding scales.

Donation day is with a minimum from 25,- for each 60 minutes.

Do you live in one of the LOCAL COMMUNITY?

You can use the donation day contributuion every day, wich is a minimum from 25,- for each 60 minutes.


To book a session:

00 32 486 345 833